René Spitzer

René Spitzer

HA, 2016, digital work, 90 x 130 cm

5 Girl 1, 2016, digital work, 90 x 130 cm

Rene Spitzer, noompire 2014

Noompire, 2014, acrylic and colored pencil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm

Rene Spitzer, Modul ZF, 2015

Modul ZF, 2015, acrylic and colored pencil on canvas, 130,5 x 180,5 cm

Rene Spitzer, Feast, 2014

Feast, 2014, acrylic and colored pencil on canvas, 100 x 90 cm

Rene Spitzer, The Amp, 2014

The Amp, 2014, acrylic and colored pencil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm

Rene Spitzer, amp, 2014, installation view

Installation view, amp, 2014, Warhus Rittershaus, Cologne

René Spitzer, NADA 2014, installation view

Installation view, NADA Cologne, 2014

Rene Spitzer, RS2G, 2012

RS2G, 2012, paper, felt-tipp, 46 x 28 x 14 cm